Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How can the knowledge of first-language articulation interference Essay

How can the knowledge of first-language articulation interference positively affect the educational or work setting - Essay Example With most forms of communication in educational cycles and the labor force being through either written or spoken language, it is very important that all people equip themselves with a kind of language with which these forms of communication will be conveyed. Unfortunately, we are not always privileged to take instructions at school and in the work place via the first language. Some of the factors that cause this include migration and the need to work under superiors who speak a different language. In such circumstance, the most likely option that becomes left is the need to adapt to a second language. Happily, idea of a first language would already make the effort to learn the second language easier. Again, it is possible to undertake personal research and general studies in a first language so that transfer of idea is done into the second language for further interpretation. Finally, one of the positive effects includes the fact that language acquisition is not just about the abili ty to speak and write but that the ability to gain general communication skills such as the use of gestures, manners and courtesies. Once a person can do all these in a first language, it becomes easier to transfer these other components of communication at school or at the work

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media Convergance Essay Example for Free

Media Convergance Essay What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to technology, and how has it affected everyday life? Media convergence is using the progression of technology to take all the different forms of media and combing them into one single form of media. There are many different forms being combined together such as television, internet, radio, newspapers and magazines. The convergence of media has greatly affected everyday life in both positive and negative ways. Media convergence has given us the opportunity to get immediate and up to date information on news and media that is happening in the world. This gives us the opportunity to keep up to date with what is going on with the world. Another positive affect of media convergence is giving us one main outlet to get many different views and opinions on the information and news provided around the world. Media convergence also has negative results affecting our everyday lives. A negative effect of media convergence is the possibility of getting biased or incorrect information from the internet. On the internet anyone who has the means to pay for a web domain can publish information on the internet, so it is important to check your sources of information and ensure the reliable and correct. With the progression of technology the convergence of media will continue to grow and progress. What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to business, and how has it affected everyday life? What are some of the issues that result from dependency on modern media? Describe at least three issues. How does media literacy help with responsible media consumption?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Technology and Medicine :: Exploratory Essays

Technology and Medicine Technology has had a great impact on society when it comes to medicine. Medical technology has been around since the cave man began using rocks as tools to perform trephening. Since then there has been many new advancements in medicine due to technology. From painless needles to robots used for surgeries technology is around to stay. Painless needles are one way technology is improving society. Needles are always scaring young children and even adults. Now with the new painless needle pediatricians can give vaccinations pain free. Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology call theses new needles micro needles. [1] They are made from silicon, metal, glass or biodegradable polymer. Theses needles are 500 times smaller then ordinary hypodermic needles, which are too small to irritate nerve endings. These new needles will consist of 400 embedded micro needles will be glued to a patch that will gently puncture the skin. Now with this new technology society can have pain free shots. Technology in terms of medicine has also increased the life expectancy of the average person. With new technological advancements in surgeries, medicines and treatments the average life expectancy is still on the increase. A recent study shows that the average life span for 2004 of a United States Citizen is 77.4 years old. This has increased significantly from 1900 where the average lifespan for a male was 48.2 and for the female 51.5. Thanks to technology we can now live longer. Technology has also helped medicine with the use of robots. At the Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, Jeff Lannigan oversees 1,300 prescriptions a day. [2] That is a huge amount of prescriptions. Now he has a new kind of help. Spencer is a one million dollar robot that dispenses prescriptions at speedy rates. It takes Spencer three and a half hours to do what it took pharmacists 24 hours to do. This new technology also eliminates the room for human error. This means that people will have the right medication every time. If you are a customer waiting for a prescription than this technology will defiantly better society. Some people say that this new technology will hurt society because it will eliminate jobs for pharmacists. This is not true. The article says, â€Å"Instead of spending the whole day dispensing medicines, pharmacists have time to do what they’re trained to do—take care of patients.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Public Law and Judicial Review

Proportionality exists as a ground for setting aside administrative decisions in most continental legal systems and is recognised in UK cases where issues of European Community law and ECHR is involved, it seems logical that the treatment becomes the standard of substantive review in all cases. A significant criticism of the Wednesbury criteria is that they do not allow for the effect on the life of the individual involved to be judged.Just because a judgement is not so unreasonable as to be incomprehensible does not mean that it is not disproportionately devastating for the affected individual – for example, when resources are scarce, it may not be irrational for a local authority to discharge their statutory duties under the 1996 Housing Act by offering housing in an area where it is cheap, but the effects on the lives of e. g. a person who has become homeless who is only offered accommodation a long way from good employment prospects, may be enormous.In such cases, the prop ortionality test would reveal that a general policy intended to conserve resources would in fact cause the individuals affected to consume more resources. The state and thus administrative decisions enter into so many areas of the lives of individuals that the idea of bifurcation – using proportionality where â€Å"fundamental rights† are concerned and the Wednesbury test in all others – is disingenuous at best. In areas such as asylum support or housing, it is immensely complex to distinguish the point at which mere â€Å"interests† end and â€Å"fundamental rights† begin.It is both simpler and more logical to assume the same standard for all issues of judicial review. It is also notable that the Wednesbury test is, by its very nature, a less transparent methodology than proportionality – there are a number of significant cases, such as Wheeler v Leicester City Council, where decisions have been overturned on grounds of irrationality withou t substantive reasons being given as to why â€Å"no reasonable judge could make this decision,† – which must, by its very nature, be on some level subjective.That is not possible with proportionality, where all aspects must be laid out and considered in turn as a basic fact of the methodology. The Wednesbury test comes under further criticism when we consider the significantly narrow scope for intervention. The case of Short v Poole Corporation (1926) Ch 66 at 90-91 is the well documented example of the red haired teacher dismissed because she had red hair. This case proved that decision makers can act unreasonably and reach the wrong decision but they can't exercise their power so unreasonably that no other body would have reached that decision.This was an extreme case of unreasonableness where lord Greene's principle could easily be applied however there are a large number of other cases where intervention is not so accessible. Le Sueur (2004) highlights that Wednes bury principle is only appropriate in the most extreme circumstances and does not allow for a varied intricate subject matter. Lord Walker (2007) in the case of R (Pro-life Alliance) v BBC appeal highlighted that the advantage of the Wednesbury test is simplicity.However, when it comes to human rights – a complex matter – ‘a one size fits all' test is nothing short of being unsatisfactory. The Wednesbury principle was adopted in the Australian case Parramatta City Council v Pestell (1972) It was concluded that the court had considered irrelevant matters and not considered matters that it should have. This clearly shows other forms of judicial review being used in conjunction with the Wednesbury approach thus endorsing that Wednesbury alone does not suffice in judicial review.Proportionality provides a more effective remedy as it allows courts to examine whether the violation of a right was necessary, not just whether it is reasonable. â€Å"†¦ it [the court s] has the constitutional role and duty of ensuring that the rights of citizens are not abused by the unlawful exercise of executive power† . In all matters of public law a right, formalised by the convention and human rights act has been violated. As Lord Bingham in the case of R(SD) v The Governors of Denbeigh High School[2007] 1 AC 100, para 30 â€Å"†¦ t is clear that the court's approach to an issue of proportionality under the Convention must go beyond that traditionally adopted to judicial review in a domestic setting† In Smith ;amp; Grady when â€Å"applying the conventional Wednesbury principles of judicial review (adapted to a human rights context) the judge found that, although the justifications may have seemed to many to be unconvincing, the policy was not â€Å"outrageous in its defiance of logic† and, accordingly, not unlawful. † However the European Court of Human Rights found it to be in breach of multiple articles of the convention o f human rights.Smith and Grady is an example of how many claimants now rely on both domestic law and HRA grounds of review. A key case in the propagation of proportionality is The House of Lords in R (Daly) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department (2001) 2 AC 532 demonstrated how the traditional test of Wednesbury unreasonableness has moved towards the doctrine of necessity and proportionality. Lord Steyn stated that most cases would be decided in the sameway whatever approach is adopted, though conceded for human right cases proportionality is the appropriate test.The question arises as to whether doctrine of proportionality applies only where fundamental human rights are in issue or whether it will come to provide all aspects of judicial review. Lord Steyn in R. (Alconbury Development Limited) v. Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (2001) 2 All ER 929 stated as follows:- â€Å"I consider that even without reference to the Human Rights Act, 1998 the time has come to recognize that this principle (proportionality) is part of English administrative law not only when Judges are dealing with Community acts but also when they are dealing with acts subject to domestic law.Trying to keep the Wednesbury principle and proportionality in separate compartments seems to me to be unnecessary and confusing†. It would seem that as the proportionality test is more frequently applied, when there is violation of human rights, and fundamental freedoms, the Wednesbury test finds itself relegated to matters of a more domestic nature and as such its importance in matters of jurisprudence has diminished.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life to the fullest must have the presence Essay

Living life to the fullest must have the presence of forgiveness as well as forgetting. Forgiveness is a conscious choice, a spiritual and physical act involving the will, a sensation or suit of feeling, an emotional state of being for letting go of the past. Try to imagine how happy we can be if we know how to forget bitter happenings in our lives. Having a feeling towards everything is fine, it seems so convincing to live great. Indeed to forgive is hard and difficult, but we must. It is a conscious choice, a spiritual and physical act involving the will, a sensation or suit of feeling, an emotional state of being for letting go of the past. Having a big pride will make you feel bad. God said, â€Å"Do unto to others as you would have them do unto to you. It would be very hard for one to forgive someone who has done so much wrong and leaped so much suffering on them. It is important that we forgive so that one can move on with his life and have a chance for a happier future. In the book NIGHT, a boy named Elie faced all of these hardships and people always asked him whether to forgive or not despite of all the pain, the sufferings, and challenges he had experienced? But Elie must forgive because GOD said that everyone should forgive one another, no matter what the circumstances are, hence, mobilizing us to find peace and serenity every single day of our lives. Nothing will bother us especially our inner sides. When someone else causes us emotional harm, whether intentional or not, learning to let go of this pain can be one of the most difficult transitions we would have to go through but it will enable us to live life, one which is free from worry and burden. Acknowledge that you’re living in real time carrying the baggage of old time. And then let go of it. Based on the book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren: Your past is your past, nothing can change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. The persons who have hurt you in the pass cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on the memories through resentment. Forgiving and forgetting is not a gradual one, it undergoes a process. How does one forget awful memories? How would one handle the situation if he/she is in too much pain? Can one ever forgive or relieve the bad memories that been caused by somebody? First, find a place where you can have a peace of mind, a quiet and a comfortable place. Sit down in a comfortable chair and close your eyes, even though it is painful and embarrassing, give some time to think what you are wishing to forget. Then, visualize a black and white picture of the situation that you are trying to forget. Afterwards, look on the illusionary replica of an experienced you hate the most. As you were looking to that picture, begin to tear it on your imagination until it turned tiny pieces where you can barely see it. Lastly, blow it away, ask if you were blowing small pieces of dust, so you know that the little speck is already gone away, and no one will ever see it. Fortunately, we are ending up forgetting the incident and forgiving the people behind the fear that circulated in their system so they could live a better life-a life without bitterness. Even the act of forgiving is difficult, forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiveness may takes a lot of time, it may not easily come, it involves patience and a lengthy struggle just to reach that, because it affects the relationships that need to be work in order to reach the total completeness of forgiving. Always remember where we stand. To refuse it is to refuse God. There is no other exception. God means what He says. To forgive is hard, but we must do it at any cost.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Creative nonfiction †Werner Essay Essay Example

Creative nonfiction – Werner Essay Essay Example Creative nonfiction – Werner Essay Paper Creative nonfiction – Werner Essay Paper Essay Topic: Creative ? Jo Ann Beard is chiefly acknowledged as a author of originative nonfiction. What is originative nonfiction you ask? Creative nonfiction is the authorship of existent events utilizing the same techniques used to make fiction ; nevertheless. the authorship does non incorporate facts from the incident. One of the many originative nonfictions written by Beard is â€Å"Werner. † Werner Hoeflich heads place to his flat in New York City after passing the eventide at his providing occupation. Between the hours of four and five A. M. . Werner catches sounds of squeals and he wakes up to detect a enormous sum of fume drifting in his flat. Werner jumps out the window into the following door edifice ; he astoundingly survives the annihilating fire. Beard really efficaciously illustrates the procedure traveling through Werner’s caput in the heat of the state of affairs. Her words clearly depict how Werner jumped back and Forth from his head flashes. giving the reader a fantastic sum of information about Werner’s history. ? Beard is seeking to make out to readers who enjoy world molded into nonfiction. She is making out to readers who enjoy making scenes in their heads while construing the text. The information Beard is seeking to convey is pretty consecutive forward. She is seeking to convey how Werner. the chief character. felt during the awful incident. She wants to convey to the reader that every scene was imaginable even though it was now a work of originative nonfiction. Beard wanted to travel to the extent where the readers would believe that they were at that place while the flat edifice had been caught on fire. She wanted them to be present in the minute. be alive with the character of Werner. ? The success of the narrative starts right from the beginning. Jo Ann Beard grabs the readers in by utilizing the baleful consequence. For those who don’t know. the baleful consequence is the feeling created by the writer that something is either about to travel incorrect or has already gone incorrect. By utilizing this. the writer is warning the readers that something unacceptably erroneous is about to go on. Not merely is this a mark for the reader. but it besides creates jeopardy for the narrator. The author has to do certain the narrative is descriptive plenty so the reader is able to state that the events taking topographic point are non something that will normally happen in that specific scene. Beard successfully succeeded utilizing this consequence because she is consecutive frontward to her readers ; she lets them cognize that dark was non an ordinary dark in New York City. This saves the readers from acquiring confused subsequently on during the narrative. Beard describes the scene when Werner walked place after work: â€Å"But on that dark it wasn’t like that ; it was cold and fresh on the dark streets† ( 1 ) . She besides describes the scene environing his flat: â€Å"The trees on his block were scrawny and imperviable. like invalid aunts† ( 1 ) . Comparing these two sentences to the description of New York City on a regular twenty-four hours is like comparing a cat to a Canis familiaris. Beard description of New York of coloured dawns. banded cattles. and Dairy Queens merely didn’t connect with the thought of the cryptic streets or the spindly trees. The negative feeling generated from these two sentences from Beard’s narrative act as signals to be cautious of what’s in front. Not does this lone catch the reader’s attending. but it besides creates wonder. ? Even though the baleful consequence entirely can make an involvement for the readers. Beard added prefiguration. The baleful consequence brought the narrative the reader’s attending and created wonder. The readers were cognizant that what they were traveling to read in front won’t be pleasant. The idea of what it would be kept them reading. By adding prefiguration. Beard now besides had the reader’s involvement and formed intuition. She described the act of the bird at the beginning of the narrative. â€Å"The bird had sharpened both sides of its beak on the subdivision and so made a swerve. panicked flight to a windowsill far above† ( 1 ) . After being freaked out by the fire. Werner’s actions were described by Beard. â€Å"He went in up to his articulatio genuss. which landed on the rock sill. organic structure all the manner through onto somebody’s bed. right into their apartment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 11 ) . Boding can truly play with the reader’s head. The readers do non cognize when the prefiguration will happen. Sometimes they don’t even know if it will happen or non. Beard besides did a really good occupation of utilizing the technique of boding. To utilize this technique. the writer must be after in front and must cognize precisely what the stoping will be. The writer must utilize adequate information to make wonder but non plenty for the stoping to be given away. In any narrative. supplying hints to a perceptive reader is rather piquant. Once a reader knows prefiguration is in usage. they will be more careful reading and looking for of import inside informations. Another impact boding creates on the reader is the attempt to do anticipations. Since the readers do non cognize when to anticipate the prefiguration. they will do anticipations and acquire more involved with the narrative. ? The writer expeditiously demonstrated Werner’s ideas through illustrating images through the reader’s caput along the manner. She came up with ways to do her narrative engaging. The usage of different literary devices helped pull the readers to the text and go on reading without being bored. Beard really successfully created a piece of originative nonfiction that non merely told a narrative of an event. but besides had her readers be present and alive. Since the readers could visualise every minute themselves. Beard most likely had left her readers believing it was them inside that flat edifice and non Werner.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Informative Essay Sample on Mother Teresa and Her Background

Informative Essay Sample on Mother Teresa and Her Background Mother Teresa was a person that was admired and respected. She was a person that made an impact on your life and made people loot at the world with a different eye. Even though the world is full of good people, great humanitarians, people who donate billions of dollars, who raise their voices to make a difference, Mother Teresa stands out in the crowd, she was a very unique person. Agnes was born on August 27, 1910 in Skopje in Macedonia and given the name of Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Teresa was the youngest of three children born to Nikola and Dronda Bojaxhiu. Her family was deeply religious Roman Catholics. Agnes learned about charity from her mother and father who never turned away from those in need whether seeking food, shelter, clothing or even money. Her father was a popular merchant and a partner to an Italian merchant and her mother was a housewife. Her father owned several houses and was a member of the Skopje council. He was heavily involved in politics and it is said that his death was due to his activity in politics. In 1918 people believed that his enemies poisoned her father. At this point her family life changed. The family was left with little money and the church became very important part of their lives. Agnes was always her own person, startlingly independent, obedient challenging, some preconceived notions and expectations. But the pastor of her church, Father Jambren Kovin, influenced her. The priest introduced Agnes to the work being done by missionaries in India. Agnes used to go trips with her mother to visit the elderly, sick and poor. Even though her mother had to work extra hard after her father’s death, the generosity that she showed people has such a profound influence on Agnes. During Agnes’s early years she was fascinated with missionary life and service. At the age of eighteen she felt that she had been called to a religious life. So Agnes decided to follow the feelings in her heart and join the Loreto Sisters of Dublin. In 1928 Agnes began her religious life in Ireland. While in Ireland she learned to speak English and in November she went to India to teach English in an Indian school. There she spends seventeen years teaching and being principal of St. Mary’s high school in Calcutta. During her time there in 1929, Agnes started her novitiate in an Abbey in Darjeeling and Abbey in the foothills of the Himalayas. A novitiate is a time a nun spends studying, praying and contemplating before she takes her vows. On May 24, 1931, Agnes took her first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. She took her name for St. Theresa, the patron saint of missionaries. On May 14, 1937, Teresa took her final vows, promising to serve God for the rest of her life. Everyday Teresa would look out of the convent to the streets of Calcutta. She wanted to help the starving and dying people on the streets. She was not allowed to leave the Loreto order of nuns. They had a rule that you could not leave the convent unless they were seriously ill. In August 1946, Sister Teresa couldn’t stand it any longer. A four-day riot had broken out between the Muslims and Hindus, thus stopping the food delivery. Sister Teresa left the convent to find food for her hundreds of students. She met some soldiers who gave her some bags of food and told her to stay off of the streets. But Teresa would soon experience another call from God. On September 10, 1946 Sister Teresa experienced a call with a call on an annual retreat. She was convinced that god wanted her to reach out to the poor. She believed that God told her to leave the convent and help the poor while living with them. She felt that this was an order from God and not to do this would mean to break the faith. In 1947 Sister Teresa was given permission to leave the Loreto order of nuns. But Sister Teresa did not leave the convent until August 16, 1948. She set out onto the streets of Calcutta, wearing a simple cotton sari decorated with a blue border. She had no idea that her organization would adopt this outfit as their habit. Leaving the Loreto Abbey was one of the greatest sacrifices she ever made. She was leaving behind her only friends and companions to go out into the slums of the cities. Before she went to the slums she proceeded to learn medical skills from Mother Anna Dengel in Patina. There the Medical Missionary Sisters immediately took her with them where they went to the houses of sick and dying people and local hospitals. Sister Teresa learned to care for people by practicing with the sisters. She learned how to deliver babies, fix broken bones and became aware of many common diseases and illness. She was a natural at caring for people and within three months set out to help the poor of Calcutta. Arriving back in Calcutta, she got in touch with Father Van Exem, who would help her find a place to stay. Arrangements were made for her to stay at St. Joseph’s Home. There a group of nuns called the Little Sisters of the Poor gladly welcomed her. There were so many people to help that Sister Teresa didn’t know where to began. The Little Sisters of the Poor invited her to begin with them helping the elderly. Sister Teresa stayed with the Little Sisters of the Poor until December 21, 1948. She left and went out to the streets of Calcutta to start her mission from God. She left St. Joseph’s with a packed lunch, no money, materials or companions. She started a school in the slum that she could see outside her window while at the convent. The first day of school five students showed up for class. Sister Teresa had no books, desks or chalkboards, but due to her determination she still managed to teach. The alphabet was the first lesson taught. The word spread through the slums and soon she had forty students. The student’s learned about language and numbers, but also about personal hygiene and cleanliness. Through her students Sister Teresa met many families of Calcutta and about the poor medical care. Many families had no income because the man of the house had been stricken with a disease. Thousands of people died each year due to lack of medical care. Poverty grew and Sister Teresa knew she had to do something more. Sister Teresa didn’t have money, but she did have her attention and energy, which she gladly gave to the poor. She walked the streets looking for places to help. The work exhausted her, but she never gave up. Her love and compassion for God, people and her work helped her to help people that no one would go near. Each night she would be tempted to go back to the easy life at Loreto, but instead she prayed to God for this help to get through it all. In March 1949, Sister Teresa received a visitor at St. Joseph’s. The visitor was a student from Entally, who could not forget Sister Teresa’s kindness and generosity. She wanted to join Sister Teresa and work for the poor. Sister Teresa didn’t realize that this was the beginning of her order. Soon after Magdalena Gomes joined Sister Teresa. The three of them would go out into the streets each day, not knowing what to expect. By the end of the year eight more young girls joined to help the fight against poverty. In 1949 to demonstrate her dedication to Calcutta’s poor, Sister Teresa decided to become an Indian citizen. On October 7, 1950 Cardinal Pietro Fumoson Biondi head of the office for the Propagation of the Faith, sanctioned Sister Teresa’s order, making her Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa always encouraged her nuns to treat the poor as a gift from God and to treat the patients with respect, warmth and kindness. The middle of 1953 the Missionaries of Charities moved to a new residence that was big enough to house the growing number of nuns. The nuns wanted to call Mother Teresa the Reverend Mother Teresa, but she refused because she never felt above anyone else. In 1954 Mother Teresa was given an unused building for the dying. The building was transformed into the Place of the Immaculate Heart. This was a place for people who were terminally ill that could die with dignity instead of on the streets. Each morning Mother Teresa and the nuns would walk the streets for dying people and bring them to the building. They were treated as angels, and were loved and cared for until their death. When a mother would die leaving a child behind the nuns would take care of the children. In 1955 Mother Teresa opened up the children’s Home of the Immaculate Heart. There was children with no place to go were taken care of. Teenage girls who lost their family came there instead of turning to prostitution. They helped out by taking care of the children and were taught useful skills. Even though Mother Teresa was criticized for wasting money on the dead and dying but she never stop. Her compassion for the poor and dying and the victims of leprosy was overwhelming. This compassion drove Mother Teresa to find medical care for them. In order to provide the medical care the nuns set up clinics where people could get medicines, disinfectant, bandages and other necessary supplies. The sisters opened up a rehabilitation clinic for lepers. One of Mother Teresa’s biggest achievement for the lepers was establishing the thirty-five acre Town of Peace which was a rehabilitating community for the leper. In 1960 groups were formed by the Missionaries of Charity to travel to different parts of India. Homes were set up in many parts of India and by 1962 there were 119 members of the Missionaries of Charity. Due to the many contributions thirty centers were opened outside of Calcutta. Mother Teresa traveled to the United States in 1960 and visited many states. She received hundreds of donations and met many people. She left the United States and traveled to England, Germany and Rome. The trip gave Mother Teresa many new ideas. One of the ideas was to have men involved in the same type of work as the sisters did. So on March 25, 1963, twelve men went to live at the Home of the Immaculate Heart to study for their missionary work. Brother Andrew who later was called General Servant headed these men. Their order was called the Brothers of Charity. Mother Teresa brought them a small home for their headquarters. The brothers went into areas of Calcutta that the sisters could not and ran the men’s ward at the Home for the Dying. In no time the brothers grew and there were forty-four houses around the world. In February of 1965, the Missionaries of Charity had gained permission to work outside of India by the Pope. This meant that Mother Teresa and the sisters could help the poor all over the world. The first home was in Cocorote Venezuela. There Mother Teresa started her work. She was determined to help the women and children. There was a shortage of food, clothing and medical care. In this area men would take more than one wife and then couldn’t support them. Mother Teresa’s goal was to educate the women so they could support themselves and their children. In order to accomplish this they fixed up an old hotel for their headquarters. Once this was completed they taught women how to type and sew. They even taught elementary school to children and anyone who wanted to learn. In the 1960’s and 1970†s over ten new houses were opened in South America. In 1968 Mother Teresa was requested by Pope Paul Vito open a house in Rome. With no hesitation Mother Teresa brought the sisters to the poor out skirts of Rome. There was no electricity, heat or running water. She opened up a house for the poor people. In 1968 Mother Teresa received an invitation to go to Tanzania. The buildings were renovated for the poor people. Homes for old people, nurseries and medical supply rooms were established. In 1969, with the help of Ann Blankie, Mother Teresa founded the International Association of the Co-workers of Mother Teresa for lay people who wanted to help. There were no requirements and you didn’t have to be Catholic or even be religious to join. When sick people wanted to become a part of her work she started a group called the Sick and Suffering Co-Workers. Mother Teresa received the first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize from Pope Paul VI. In 1971 he praised her fro her hard work with the poor and the efforts to make peach and also gave her a small statue of Jesus Christ and an award of $67,000.00 to use in her work. In 1971 Mother Teresa brought her work to the United States. The first home was in Bronx New York. There she helped the children, the lonely, sick and unwanted. Groups of sisters went out and visited shut-ins, clean homes, get groceries and listen to the elderly. Camp programs were organized to keep children off the streets. Then in October Mother Teresa was given the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation Award by the Kennedy family. She received a check for $12,000, which she set up a fund for disabled and retarded children. Although Mother Teresa was getting older and fragile she would not stop helping people. Even thought Mother Teresa turned sixty-one in 1971, she didn’t even think of retirement. In 1972 Mother Teresa and the missionaries of Charity went to Bangladesh, where there was a terrible devastation. Food was scare in the villages and many people were starving. Many women had been raped and were treated as outcasts and abandoned by their families. Until Mother Teresa arrived these women had nowhere to go. They would put their lives in jeopardy to hide the women that the men wanted to rape. They set up adoptions for unwanted babies, buried the dead and tended to wounds. In 1973 Mother Teresa was given the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. In future years Mother Teresa would build many more houses for the poor and needy. She never turned down an opportunity to work with poor. She received many awards in the course of her mission. On December 9, 1979 Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize and a check for $190,000.00. She received the prize for her outstanding work with the poor and overall love for people. Three months later, she was presented with India’s greatest award, the Bharat Tatnu for the Jewel of India. In 1985 President Reagan awarded Mother Teresa with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In the following years Mother Teresa worked hard as she ever did despite her age. She talked about pro-life and worked with Aids victims of the world. Mother Teresa gave of all of herself until 1997. On September 5, 1997 the world learned that Mother Teresa was given back to God. Her body was buried on Saturday, September 13, 1997, but her spirit was still alive. She was a wonderful human being and a great woman and she will always be missed. While on earth she taught us to forgive is to love and not to be selfishness. I know that her love and generosity will live on as looks down from Heaven. You can also order a custom term paper, research paper, thesis, dissertation or essay on Mother Teresa from our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with high-quality custom written papers.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

20 Words with More Than One Spelling

20 Words with More Than One Spelling 20 Words with More Than One Spelling 20 Words with More Than One Spelling By Mark Nichol When the dictionary lists two alternate spellings of a word, should you use your judgment (or is that judgement?), or is there some other criterion for selection? Most dictionaries describe what is, rather than prescribe what should be hence the alternatives but they usually favor one form over the other. For both convenience and consistency, follow the dictionary’s indirect dictates. In printed dictionaries, the preferred form will have the full definition, while the runner-up will be cross-referenced to the winner. Online, the spelling in the Web page’s heading indicates the preference, though the other choice will likely also be listed. Here are some common entries with more than one orthography: 1. Acknowledgment/acknowledgement: Acknowledgment, though it looks awkward because the spelling implies that the g is pronounced hard, rather than (correctly) soft, is the preferred spelling, at least in American English. 2. Adviser/advisor: Adviser is the preferred spelling, though it is inconsistent with the spelling of the adjectival form advisory. 3. Aesthetic/esthetic: Aesthetic is the preferred spelling, a rare case of the digraph retained in American English in favor of a single-vowel spelling. (See also amoeba/ameba and archaeology/archeology.) 4. Ameba/amoeba: Amoeba is the preferred spelling. It also has variant plural forms: Amoebas is acceptable in all but the most strictly scientific contexts, where amoebae is preferred. 5. Amok/amuck: Amok is the traditional spelling, preferred to amuck. 6. Among/amongst: The -st extension is, in both American English and British English, widely considered an unnecessary appendage. (The same preference applies for amid/amidst and while/whilst; whilst is, at any rate, rare in American English.) 7. Analog/analogue: Analog is one of fourteen words in which the original -ue ending is clipped. Whether one form or the other is preferred varies depending on not only the word but also, occasionally, on which part of speech it represents. Most one- and two-syllable words ending in -ue have no truncated variant; prologue is the exception. 8. Archaeology/archeology: The version with the ae digraph is preferred over the single-vowel form. 9. Ax/axe: Ax is the preferred spelling, alone and in compounds (axman, battle-ax). 10. Collectable/collectible: Collectible is the preferred variant. 11. Barbecue/Barbeque: Barbeque is a variant of barbecue influenced by the truncation BBQ. 12. Disc/disk: Disc is a variant of disk, though it has valid status in the â€Å"phrase compact disc† and references to similar media. 13. Donut/doughnut: Donut is an informal variant of doughnut. 14. Enquire/inquire: Inquire is the preferred American English spelling, but in British English, enquire prevails. 15. Flier/flyer: Spelling depends on meaning. See this post, in which I conclude that pilots and passengers are fliers, and posted papers are flyers. 16. Gray/grey: Gray is the preferred spelling in American English; British English favors grey. 17. Nite/night: Nite is an informal variant of night. 18. Theater/theatre: The former spelling is preferred in American English, though the latter form sometimes appears in proper names. 19. Toward/towards: In American English, towards and other similar words are considered informal variants of the forms in which the s is omitted. 20. Whiskey/whisky: The former spelling is more common in the United States (as well as in Ireland), though usage in labeling varies. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Yay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other Acclamations7 Other Types of Pronouns

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family exposure to a toxin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Family exposure to a toxin - Essay Example Consequently, they had to be given medications differently. The daughter was the first to show the signs of toxicity by vomiting. She also started complaining about headache, rashes on her skin and trouble in breathing. The daughter was the first to show the signs because of her age. Studies show that children and elderly are more susceptible to toxins compared to other people (Kacew & Lee, 2013). The situation is attributed to their consumption of many calories and poor eating habits compared to adults. The factors increase their exposure to chemicals. In addition, they are more vulnerable to toxins because of their lower immunity systems. Apart from age and nutrition, the daughter was more vulnerable because of her gender. Studies show that women absorb chemicals differently. In case a man and a woman take the same amount to toxin, a woman is more likely to have higher concentration of toxins in their blood. Enzymes that metabolize toxins in females are less active. As a result, a larger amount of ingested toxins enter the blood system (Na tional Institute of Health, 2013). The second person to start showing the symptoms was Christine. She showed the same signs as her daughter. However, unlike her daughter, she fainted. She started showing the signs after her daughter because of her age. It is noteworthy that a person of her age has a stronger immunity system compared to children (Kacew & Lee, 2013). She was more vulnerable than her husband because of their gender differences. As explained earlier, females are more susceptible to toxins that males. In addition, the toxin was stronger on her because of her health condition. Her immune system is weaker compared to her husband because she is diabetic (National Institute of Health, 2013). It explains why she fainted. The symptoms could have been worse if she had a poor nutritional habit like her daughter. She avoids eating fast foods and she is a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Contemporary Management Asignment Three Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Management Asignment Three - Essay Example Jeff Bezoz’s strategy drove the company towards becoming the leading online marketing company with his main strategy being customer oriented, coupled with innovation that sought to improve their online shopping capabilities. The company initially sold books online and with the integration of its innovative approaches and strategy; the company has now expanded its boundaries to introduce new products like furniture, computer software, DVDs, CDs, apparel, toys, and other goods. The company offers a wide range of books and products that make it distinct from its main competitors. However, has had many twists and turns as with other online businesses. The company has gone through downfalls in debts, as well as loss of income, in its formative years, made its first profit in 2001. Since then, the company has gone from strength to strength and its digital channel management and web analytics have pushed it to the top of the industry. This paper seeks to do a review of Ama that has been one of the successful enterprises in the harnessing of retailing power over the internet platform, for a successful experience in retailing. Use of Digital Channels for Success Bookselling/Online Sales Retailing through the brick and mortar format is heavily reliant on physical space through which stores could display their products, as well as maintain a go down to store their inventory. This approach to traditional retailing portended greater costs because of maintenance of inventory, space for physical storage and rent, and maintenance of staff to man the requirements of the store (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 101). Two decades ago, this would be the archetypal bookstore and anyone wishing to buy a book would have had to make a visit to the store physically to preview the book and then decide on whether to make a purchase. They could also decide to place a mail order, which could take time since the posting company would treat it the same way as a two-way mail d elivery (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 101). This scenario has been transformed tremendously since e-commerce was developed, which has shifted the majority of retail activities to the online platform. E-commerce has birthed a revolution in the retail sector through its allowance of various retailing activities like actual transactions and marketing to be taken to digital platforms (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 102). In the beginning, majority of companies developed single websites that they used to retail their various products. However, because of recent the recent advancements, these companies have begun to integrate different retail channels on offline and online channels. Consumers who are tech savvy who are hungry for information have discovered that online platforms are the best places to do their shopping activities since they allow for one stop shops, which have increased convenience and greater variety. Because of this, majority of retailers have begun to develop platforms for onlin e retail to create various multi-channels of distribution that can reach a more diverse base of clients (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 104). This is, through combining channels of distribution in order for them, to reach more clients. Digital Channels The current evolution of data analytics, marketing, as well as extensive studies of research, have acted as forces behind the development of the various platforms for online retail and shopping. Data analytics enables collection over the online platfor

Advantages of Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advantages of Intellectual Property - Essay Example Firstly, it provides a legal protection against unscrupulous business owners who would wish to use ones idea and goodwill under someone or a business name. Certainly, the concept of property right rights is not a new concept in business laws. The use of trademarks such as logos, color codes and pictures by two different businesses has been a center of controversy that has resulted in numerous lawsuits (Stim 67). For instance, of the 23 cases on intellectual property that were filed in U.S courts 2005-2013, a total of 15 were decided in favor of the suit (Stim 69). Certainly, in an environment where the courts open orders retention of ideas to the original firm or person, it shows the effectiveness of the laws against duplication. Patents protection refers to the prevention of ones idea from being used by a second property without the owners knowledge or compensation. For entrepreneurs, the idea is a business and the need to protect it is as important as protecting a business. With increased competitive market demands, there is certainly increased tendencies duplication of another business. The patent laws offer protection against such unethical tendencies. Secondly, the protection of patents helps to enhance creativity in the economy through discouraging armchair duplication of already existing enterprises. While the laws of Intellectual Property (IP) may appear selfish and sometimes too harsh, the impact on the U.K economic growth has been tremendous.The IP-intensive industrial operations have consistently shown that stringent laws against ideas duplication has spurred creativity and subsequently economic progress. Notably, in 2010-2011 following the economic crisis in U.S, there was a 1.6% increase in employment in IP-intensive industries as compared to 1% in IP-non-intensive industries. In addition, by 2011 there was a remarkable increase in exports from IP-intensive

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Telecom Eireann Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Telecom Eireann - Essay Example Involvement of labour union in all aspects of the process exemplifies that decision making was consultative. Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. Complexity of information delivery and decision making was the chief catalyst in developing and implementing the project. Change capability is usually necessary for any organization that has perpetual life. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond in one consistent voice. Management team ought to have carried out organizational analysis and planning research under the proposed system, and strived to understand to the range of human emotions during proposal period, such that they would have been in a better position to respond to resistance during implementation stage. Executives support should have been executed from the planning stages of the system, and success and failure of the proposed system carried out in advance. Earlier assessment would have provided the leadership team with guidance before they embarked upon their desired new

Research Propasal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Propasal - Research Paper Example Qualitative data will be derived from a reliable source, which is the population, and this will be through conducting a sample survey. This research will have both theoretical and practical importance. This paper seeks to establish the hypothesis that individuals from rich families are more likely to be kidnapped. The type of crime that will be included in this proposal is kidnapping. During kidnappings, kidnappers unlawfully abduct and detain an individual against his or her wishes or intentions. A crime qualifies to be a kidnapping when an individual is unlawfully taken or moved to a different location without his or her consent. In most case, kidnappings are usually carried out with the objective of terrorizing the victim, asking for ransom, or influencing a political decision in exchange with the kidnapped person. Additionally, in many situations, children are largely the victims, although, adults too at times usually find themselves victims. Kidnapping is an offence, which according to law, has been categorized into degrees in relation to its magnitude (Hart & Zandbergen, 2009). The best type of research that will be applied when approaching the problem of kidnapping is descriptive. Through descriptive research, the important variables; dependent and independent will be established, which will aid in conducting the research. The descriptive research will start by exemplifying the problem, conducting a literature review, developing a research tool, identifying the population and sampling, data collection, and thereafter analyzing the data. This research will take on quantitative method, which will aid in testing the hypothesis scientifically. Qualitative data will be derived from a reliable source, which is the population, and this will be through conducting a sample survey. The data will be analyzed with the aim of establishing whether they correlate or associate with

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Telecom Eireann Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Telecom Eireann - Essay Example Involvement of labour union in all aspects of the process exemplifies that decision making was consultative. Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. Complexity of information delivery and decision making was the chief catalyst in developing and implementing the project. Change capability is usually necessary for any organization that has perpetual life. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond in one consistent voice. Management team ought to have carried out organizational analysis and planning research under the proposed system, and strived to understand to the range of human emotions during proposal period, such that they would have been in a better position to respond to resistance during implementation stage. Executives support should have been executed from the planning stages of the system, and success and failure of the proposed system carried out in advance. Earlier assessment would have provided the leadership team with guidance before they embarked upon their desired new

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Define strategic management within the framework of total quality Essay

Define strategic management within the framework of total quality service - Essay Example With the rise of competition consumers have more options than ever. Therefore a dissatisfied is most likely to leave a company and move to another company. Therefore all the major companies round the globe have set customer satisfaction as the prime objective leading to evolution of total quality management. However, before discussing the concept of TQM one has to explain quality. According to experts there is no concrete definition of quality. But still quality can be defined as the fitness for use. It is conformance to requirements. Quality of a product or service can be defined as the ability to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. So it can be said that quality is a journey, but not a destination. The concept of TQM has existed for many years, although the meaning and perception towards TQM has evolved over the year. After the World War II the quality became more quantifiable in nature. In the early 50’s statistical sampling were used to analyze the quality of the products leading to the true evolution of TQM. By 1960 thanks to the quality gurus the concept took a broader meaning. TQM can be defined as a method to increase the customer satisfaction. It reduces defects of an organization and increases the productivity. However, TQM is not supposed to be restricted to the production department only (Kundu, 2009, p.130). TQM can be successfully implemented through an integrated approach adopted by the organization. This requires the involvement of the employees of all the departments, as well as the involvement of top management. A successfully implemented TQM system can help the organization gain strategic leverage. The study looks to explore various key elements of TQM and relationship strategic importance of TQM with respect to various organizational departments and corresponding activities. Total quality management has deep implications on human resource management. This emphasizes on autonomy, self control and

Trend in Hr Outsourcing Essay Example for Free

Trend in Hr Outsourcing Essay In business world today, the main focus is delivering company’s core competency as to generate sustainable competitive advantage. The core competency is being described as what company does the best and in the same time, generates profit for the company. As the company focusing on their core competency, other components of the company require as much attention as the core to keep the company stable. However, it difficult for company to maintain all the aspect of their business at top level and even by that will cost them fortune. That’s when Outsourcing concept come into the picture. Outsourcing is the alternatives for company to hired external company to be their part of function. The execution of specific function for the company will enable the company to focus on their core competency. One of the most commonly function of management to be outsources today is the human resources department. Delmotte, J and Sles, L. (2008) stated that their researches on outsourcing of Human Resources lead to better time management as well as resources that support both tactical and strategic contribution. These factors later on enable stable and longer focus on supporting the core competency of the company. In other words, once company enable their human resource to be handled by the expert of the fields, the company now can focus more on their main competency. As the expert of the field charge on the HR, better result is shown which coming back in enabling company to perform better on the overall view. Extending the view from another point, the trends of outsourcing not just imply to company function that they are not well managed only. (Kosnik Hoover, 2006) The situation lead to outsourcing might be caused by lack of expert on that field. Kosnik, T. and Hoover, K. (2006) find in their research that outsourcing in term of staffing firm enable a company to obtain more expert into the workforce. In a way, instead of hiring single personal that course higher, outsourcing for a team of expert to be combined with current staff will returned more than it should. This staffing firm method can lead the form to better manage their expenses to better portion of the company where it is needed. For example, Telekom Malaysia in their Unifi consumer service development has outsource their customer interface system to Accenture Sdn. Bhd. by joining force their programmer and system analyst to work side by side in completing the system. Focusing on the outsourcing human resource of company, it leads to a chance for Host Company to have knowledge transfer from the external expert to the internal expert. Previously, considering staffing firm of expert to be part of the team, the host company can now develop their staff to be more expert. Schlosser, F., Templer, A., and Ghanam, D. (2006) discover in their research that organizational knowledge learning process can be enhance from the outsourcing of staff. Ads explained, the logic apply that to ensure everyone perform at the same level, internal training by the outsource expert will be done. This is to ensure after the contract done, the maintenance can be continue by the host company team force. There are several trends that change the nature of human resource outsourcing in today’s world. According to Rosenthal (2010), the first one is by shifting adoption patterns in order to take much more focused approach. Current outsourcing clients have become more critical when evaluating the benefits that they gain from outsourcing their HR functions. They would likely to focus on outsourcing on one specific area at time instead of outsourcing a broad function of the organization. Rosenthal explained that the clients are more likely to compare their investment in outsourcing cost with the returns and benefits that they gain from it thus, lead them to only outsource one defined area. Another trend stated by Rosenthal is integrating the benefits area and administrations together and outsource them. By doing so, the clients are able to ensure that every roles of the department can operates smoothly and efficiently. With that, any cost related to the employees’ benefits process can be kept at minimal thus, allowing the organization to provide more benefits for their people. For example, a more efficient off-boarding process can ensure that the people get paid no longer than it should moreover organization can minimize their healthcare costs with a wellness program to change behavior. Outsourcing enables the organization to hire another company to perform and operates certain functionalities for them like Human Resources. There are several factors that lead organizations to choose outsourcing their HR functions such as to focus more on their core competency, the lack of expert on that field and to promote knowledge transfer from the external expert to the internal expert. In today’s world, there several trends in HR outsourcing for example shifting adoption patterns in order to take much more focused approach and integrating the benefits area and administrations. Works Cited DELMOTTE, J., SELS, L. (2008). HR outsourcing: threat or opportunity? Belgium: EmeraldInsight. KOSNIK, T., HOOVER, K. (2006). Outsourcing vs insourcing in the human resource supply. United State : Emerald Insight. ROSENTHAL, B. E. (2010, January 1). Four Trends That are Changing Human Resources Outsourcing Article. Retrieved October 10, 2012, from Outsourcing Center: SCHLOSSER, F., TEMPLER, A., GHANAM, D. (2006). How Human Resource Outsourcing Affects Organizational Learning in the Knowledge Economy. Canada: JOURNAL OF LABOR RESEARCH.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Future Classroom With Innovative Designing Education Essay

Future Classroom With Innovative Designing Education Essay Though technology has brought about advancement in every field whether it is medicine, engineering, marketing, space or telecom technology, it is observed that there has been very little change in the basic concept and design of classrooms. By and large, the classrooms of today appear to be quite similar to that of nineties. Studies by eminent educationists indicate that it is the need of hour to bring forward innovative ideas in classroom designing and integrate it with different technological aids to overhaul our static classroom pattern. The future classroom should be designed with the objective of enhanced interaction among teachers and pupils as two way discussion have been found to be far more beneficial over old one way lecturing system. Further, integration of various multimedia aids to classroom gives a new dimension to the entire teaching learning process by making teaching interesting and meaningful. Thereby, contents are delivered to the students in the form of sounds, an imations and pictures. It greatly enhances learning as research has revealed that learners can better comprehend the sounds and pictures than words. Additionally, performance of the students can be evaluated on computers and thereby, instant feedback can be utilized to plan future strategies. *Teaching Associate, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana). ** Asstt. Professor, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana). The broad outlook of classrooms of today seems to be quite similar to that early 20th century classrooms. Instead of bringing a change to meet the contemporary needs, many of the pioneer institutes of international repute promote themselves on the basis of their historic and traditional credentials. Classrooms of today still display the centuries old tradition of being teacher focused, solely supporting the process of teaching, and in general overlooking the importance of learning. This one directional flow of information from teachers to students leads to passive learning. In such a highly constrictive classroom set up, there is little choice for the students and hence, it is not conducive for active learning. However with rapid strides in science and technology sector, our system of education is also evolving gradually and becoming more and more globalised. Influence of technology on our younger generations is changing nature of education. Hence to meet the present day needs, the e ntire education system needs to be revamped. Accordingly, the classrooms of future should be designed by infusing innovative ideas and optimum use of technology while keeping the basic concept of effective teaching-learning in mind. Technology is providing the much needed impetus for modernizing education systems across the globe. Though infusion of technology in education systems is far rapid in developed world, the need and awareness for technology-enabled education is gradually spreading across the developing nations like India as well. Further, with emergence of several public and private universities in India, education is changing fundamentally from schooling to universities. In the present manuscript, we have studied the need to change the classroom design, amalgamation of technology to the classrooms, its impact on teaching-learning process, obstacles in implementation of these innovative ideas and their effective solutions. NEED OF RE-DESIGNING THE CLASSROOM Advent of the new era of technology: The greatest impact on education systems today is that of rapidly growing technology. Technology has become so integral to our lives such that almost every activity involves the use of it in one way or the other. Even the young children are exposed to various technologies at very early stage. By the time, they go to schools; they become well acquainted to various technologies. They consider computers, wireless networks and other technological gadgets essential to life and they expect their teachers use technology. Hence, the teachers need to be tech savvy to meet the expectations of students and the standards of modern education systems. Changing attitudes: With the changing attitudes towards education systems, students want to be actively involved in discussion and debate. They want to discover knowledge rather than simply be told. Simultaneously they desire to learn by use of a range of multimedia resources. Hence, teachers cannot simply stand and deliver the information. This one way lecturing and passive listening needs to be replaced by the classroom designs and strategies which support the active discussion leading to the maximum retention by the students (Mai Neo, 2005). New methods: Students consider todays teaching and learning methods as predominantly static and one dimensional. They want more diverse styles to create regular interest and channelize their energy to maximize the output. They want interaction, spontaneity, community and mobility. Students today are equipped with laptops and wireless internet connections. They are as comfortable and effective in learning in the canteen or atrium as that of a lecture hall. There has been a shift from educational environments which support the passive acquisition of isolated facts, to environments in which the learner actively explores the world and constructs their own internal models of understanding. Hence, we need to overhaul the classroom patterns and designs to make the teaching learning most effective by inventing new strategies. Globalisation: With revolution in information and technology, the world has been virtually converted to a small village. With greater communication and mobility comes the choice, and students are becoming more and more selective with respect to the selection of universities/institutes and their careers. Hence, to attract and retain the best students and teachers from home and abroad, the universities and schools need to adopt innovation to stay competitive. DESIGNING CLASSROOM LAYOUT AND ITS IMPACT A study conducted by the Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich (Germany) revealed that innovation in design of classrooms significantly enhances the learning. The objective of the project was to improve classroom design in schools, to, support innovative approaches to collaborative learning and to evaluate the effects of different furniture and layouts on learning. They tested different room layouts, all designed to support group work (fixed, mobile, standing, and sitting).The results were very illuminating. In standing and more mobile positions, both accuracy of thinking and idea innovation were higher than when sitting down, but students felt marginally less comfortable working in a standing positions. Adapting the space layout according to the task significantly improved learning, decision making and teamwork. The success was dependant on clear instructions about how to use the layout and furniture and how to adapt it to the task. People needed time to adapt to the dynamics of a flexible mobile learning environment and feel comfortable. Hence, we need to shift to the classroom designing where the learner actively explores the world and constructs his/her own internal models of understanding.   THE CONCEPT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES The idea of multi-media concept in education, has gained momentum where the integration of voice, data and video resources creates synergistic effect. The emergence of this new concept is also changing the curriculum in educational institutions across the world. Multimedia is usually a combination of computerized and electronic devices that include a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms as opposed to conventional media which use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. The concept multimedia is based on the fact that audio and visual presentation of the material leads to improvement in the comprehension and retention. Various audiovisual equipments are emerging as one of the powerful pedagogical innovations in the teaching and learning process (Richard E. Mayer, 1999). Audiovisual aids communicate facts and ideas through the eyes to the mind and emotions. Visual aids include films, slides, videos, overhead projectors, photographs, models and charts. Audio aids communicate ideas through the form of music or tape recordings, television, records, sound films, etc. The modern set of audiovisual equipments synchronizes sound with vision in the most effective manner. They strengthen teachers verbal presentation while simultaneously helping students grasp the specific ideas. These aids keep the audience engrossed throughout the presentation and help them remember particular information (Ashton Zalzala, 2004). There are a variety of audiovisual aids givin g wide range of options to the user to select the most appropriate one. Various multimedia aids LCD Screen: Liquid Crystal Display television (LCD TV) is one of the most effective ways of audiovisual communications in the teaching-learning process, where the television sets use LCD technology to produce images. LCDs are the most widely produced and sold television technology today, pushing all other technologies into niche roles. Multimedia and 3D Projector: Its a video projector that takes a signal and multiplies an image on a projection screen using a lens. The projectors need bright light to project the image. Projectors are widely used for classroom training with live applications in many schools and educational institutes. It can be connected to an interactive white board, PCs, laptops in an interactive teaching learning process. The 3D projector, one of the most advanced methods has come up with new age technology. For displaying the graphical data, planar two-dimensional media is used, whereas in computer graphics and pictures 3D projector employed. With the pictures available in the presentation, students actually become able to speak and write on a topic, thereby, enhancing their language skills as well (Glenda C. Rakes, 2006). Interactive Whiteboard: Interactive White Board (IWB) or Electronic White Board is emerging as one of the powerful innovation in the teaching and learning process. It is a type of large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector including web browsers. The projector projects the computers desktop onto the boards surface. One of the major advantages with regard to IWB is high level of interaction associated with it. Students interact physically with the board, manipulating text and images, thereby, enhancing their learning. IWB enables the students to draw, write or making notes, drag and markup onto the surface controlling the PC. The combination of mouse and keyboard allows the students to control the computer display almost exclusively from the IWB. Further, IWB can also be integrated in the process of the Learner Response System which enables the teachers analyze the student performance. With these combined facilities, teachers can present a topic and receive feedback from students and subsequently, make their presentations more effective. IWB relieves teachers from their mundane work load as they can carry out formal assessments and tests through it. Additionally, internet conferencing through IWB takes the interaction beyond the boundaries of classroom. Students in India can learn Japanese from a teacher based in Japan using a large HDMI monitor along with a web connection.   Apart from this, many Universities/Institutions abroad have started conducting online interviews of aspiring candidates through video conferencing. Hence, technology has not only revolutionized the teaching learning process but also created a slew of opportunities for competent students by providing them online access to various premier institutes of the world. Hence, it has increased the availability of choice across the boundaries and students can exercise their choice and select the institution / programme of their choice according to their potential. INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TO THE CLASSROOM Educationists are long debating on the role of technology in the classroom. Research in the area of educational technologies has been generally focused on the impact technologies can have on children and teachers. Ironically, the impact that children and teachers can have on the development of new technologies has been ignored.   Both the aspects are critical to understand the overall impact of technology on our learning environments.   According to a survey, the most common reason parents cite for buying home computers is their childrens education. Even the schools are graded on the basis of ratio of students to the computers.   This ratio is used to determine the ability of schools to provide quality education.  However, technology is not all about the number of desktops or laptops required in a classroom or how we can train teachers to use them.  Instead the focus should be on broader aspects viz., proper integration of technology into the curriculum, apt modification / generation of technology to support quality education in the classrooms.  Appropriate technology should be embedded in a classroom in such a way that it becomes a seamless part of any physical object in schools so that it can favorably change our learning environments. CREATION OF THE PAPERLESS SOCIETY With infusion of technology into the all the sectors of society, a paperless  society could soon become a reality. Gradually, students evaluation using the paper and pen method is being replaced by computer based tests. In distance education programs also, this is widely employed. The teachers no longer have to decipher handwriting and can quickly grade the tests and provide feedback to students. Further, teachers need not make copies of anything, but can push the information to the students tablets. THE OBSTACLES AND THE REMEDIES Availability. A potential barrier for spreading technology across the Indian education system is that in schools, computers are used in computer labs rather than classrooms. It has more to do with the financial resources available to schools and other institutes. Hence, initially the target should be pumping technology into maximum number of schools until gradually computers expand from the labs into classrooms. With growing financial prowess of Indian society and availability of technology at cheaper rates, computers and internet browsers are likely to reach rural hinterlands and then gradually shift from computer labs into individual classrooms. Training of teachers. Technology alone does not improve students achievements, rather trained teachers and authentic instructions are equal contributory factors (Johnson Dennis Jennifer Jo, 2005). To adapt to the newer technologies, teachers and school leaders need to participate in extensive professional development programmes to keep themselves up to date. The professional development activities include vendor provided face to face instructions on use of equipments and a part time instructional coach to assist teachers with professional development. Role of the Government. The experts opinion is that the Indian Government needs to play a much more active role and take the lead in technology implementation which will require a lot of funding. Though Government realizes that there is an urgent need for quality education in order to match international standards and is committed to allocate the funds, direct emphasis on need of technology is not given. Government must encourage and actively support the infusion of technology in schools as it is the only way to match the international standards in education sector. CONCLUSION The advent of new era of technology has revolutionized all the sectors including education. Extensive studies by various researchers have underlined that we must change the decades old tradition of static one way lecturing pattern in the classrooms and invent innovative classroom designs and strategies. With the integration of various advanced technological aids to classrooms we can give a new dimension to the entire teaching learning process. Various multimedia aids make teaching interesting, exciting and meaningful as instructions are presented to students in the form of sounds, animations and pictures. The most significant thing is that learning can be drastically improved with multimedia explanations than just with words. Multimedia presents various topics to the students in a meaningful and interesting way and the learners simply enjoy learning as these pictures and animations foster deep understanding. It enables the students understand the abstract concepts by seeing the pictu res and creating the real models in their minds. Additionally, it relieves the teachers of their additional responsibilities as they would be able to deliver the contents to students just with a click of mouse. They can take the instant feedback from students and then accordingly plan future strategies. Moreover, the multimedia technology can be extremely useful to us to realize our dream of paperless society. However, in developing countries like India where the basic primary education is also a distant dream for a large proportion of population, we need continuous concerted efforts from the Government as well as society in order to achieve the target of quality education integrated with technology for all.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

History Of The Original Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers fc

In 1858, there was a great struggle within the state of Illinois for a seat in the Senate. The well know Stephen A. Douglas, the favored candidate, was excepted to win. Abraham Lincoln was not a well known candidate. In a struggle for the possible position, Lincoln proposed that he and Douglas organize a series of debates, so that both men might â€Å"divide time, and address the same audiences during the same canvass.† Douglas accepted, and he feared that he had â€Å"everything to lose from a joint appearance, and yet to decline the challenge would have seemed unmanly in the West of the mid nineteenth century.† Douglas then purposed dates and places; Lincoln complained that Douglas would have four opening and closings speeches whereas he would have only three, he wrote â€Å"I accede, and thus close the arrangement.† The first of seven debates was on Saturday, August 21, 1858 at Ottawa, which started an important part of the history of the United States of Amer ica, the Lincoln-Douglas debates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ottawa debate set the format for the remaining six debates. Lincoln and Douglas agreed that the first speaker would speak for an hour, the second speaker for an hour and a half, and the first speaker again for half an hour. On August 21, excitement was in the air. The town’s population of over 7,000 doubled overnight. At 2:30 p.m. Douglas began speaking and the battle was on! The Little Giant, Douglas, displayed the art that marked him as the master â€Å"stump-speaker† of his day. He first criticized Lincoln’s background and political history. He talked about Black inferiority, and the social as well as political dangers of freeing Blacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The highlight of his speech was the surprising argument he threw at Lincoln in the form of the Springfield Resolutions of 1854. Douglas quoted the radical â€Å"Codding† and declared that Lincoln joined with abolitionists Giddings, Chase, Fred Douglass, and â€Å"Parson† Lovejoy had constructed this platform for the new Black Republican Party of Illinois. Douglas became so engrossed in the speech he had to be reminded of his time limit. When Lincoln replied, he had no choice but to defend himself against the accusations. As Lincoln continued to debate, he displayed his ability as a rough-and-tumble debater, which had caused Douglas to say that he would have his hands full with Old Abe. He refute... ...ssures were driving North and South further apart. Both candidates were masters at selecting effective arguments from all the possibilities, making the most of the arguments they picked. And yet they were aware of what they said because they did not want to incriminate themselves. The debates marked a turning point for the nation. Within three years it would undergo a bloody test of its ideals. Its subsequent history would be a struggle to bring to fruition the decision reached on the field of battle. BIBLIOGRAPHY Angle, Paul, Created Equal? (The University of Chicago Press, 1958) Fehrenbacher, Don, Abraham Lincoln Speeches and Writings 1832-1858, (New York, Literary Classics of the United States, 1989) Heckman, Richard, Lincoln vs. Douglas, (Washington D.C., Public Affairs Press, 1967) Holzer, Harold, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, (New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1993) Jahannson, Robert, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1965) Sigelschiffer, Saul, The American Conscience the Drama of the Lincoln- Douglas Debates, (New York, Horizon Press, 1973) Zarefsky, David, Lincoln Douglas and Slavery, (University of Chicago, 1990)

Friday, October 11, 2019

African American Musuem

Intro to Museum Studies Professor Kirsch September 19,2010 The African Museum in Philadelphia is notable as the first museum funded and built by a municipality to help preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Opened during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, the AAMP is located in historic Philadelphia, a few blocks away from the Liberty Bell. Charles H. Wesley was a noted African American historian, educator, and author.He was the fourth African American to receive a Ph. D. from Harvard University. An ordained minister, Wesley’s distinguished career included 40 years of leadership with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1976, he served as Director of the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum in Philadelphia, now known as the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Programs The African American Museum that is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has some interesting education programs.These education programs focus on arts, culture, a nd heritage education. They place a major emphasis on the interests of the students, educators, artists, historians, scholars, and community organizations. These programs offer diversity with scheduling. The programs explore various African forms of cultural expressions. In these programs there are literary performances, hands on demonstrations, workshops, and storytelling performances as well.The African American Museum in Philadelphia feels its programs can be a vital link between the permanent and visiting collections for the many communities they serve. Exhibitions The exhibitions in the African American Museum in Philadelphia can some to be pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the mind. According to the African American Museum of Philadelphia these exhibitions invoke a deep collection of emotion ranging from pride and passion to excitement and enthusiasm.When visitors enter the museum they will come to Gallery 1, which includes a interactive timeline, images draw from histori cal record, that spans 100 years of history. In Gallery 2 there are full size video projections in which visitors can in engage in them. Once they are activated, a monologue about life in Philadelphia will begin. Some other aspects of the exhibit include an experience where you can walk the streets of Philadelphia through a large scale map, which is located between galleries 1 and 2 .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resource Practitione Essay

The CIPD developed a map depicting the HR profession that signifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed by those in HR and Learning and Development professionals. The two inner core professional areas in the HRPM, Strategy Insights and Solutions and Leading HR, requires a deep understanding of the business activities, strategies and plans to drive business performance through the delivery of human resource strategy and solutions. Leading HR in particular focuses on the organisation requirements and that human resources employees are fully engaged, working collaboratively and all understand the drivers that create value within the organisation. Both of these core areas are to be reflected within all HR roles at any stage of a successful HR career regardless of location or working within an organisation or alongside one. The other 8 professional areas identify the knowledge and skills required within each band level to provide specialist HR assistance. There are 4 band levels, each band level signifies professional competence and is linked to the professional areas within said band level at every stage of the professionals HR career. To progress from one band to another there are three transitional pathways that identify what the professional must follow in order to progress. There are 8 behavioural areas clustered into 3 groups that identify how professionals at the relevant band level in their career need to carry out their duties and make a contribution to their organisations success. They include; Band One; Personally Credible; Builds a reliable reputation using experience and expertise and does so with integrity and in an objective manner. Collaborative; Works effectively with colleagues, customers, and individuals both within and outside of the organisation. Driven to deliver; Demonstrates a strong work ethic, consistent in their duties and take accountability for delivery of results. Plans, prioritises, monitors performance and holds others accountable for delivery. Band Two; Advises on and manager HR related issues and has a clear understanding of the evaluation process. Whilst at band two, the professional will demonstrates the Personally Credible and Driven to Deliver Behaviour Areas seen in Band One while also demonstrating other Behaviour Areas; Courage to Challenge and Skilled Influencer. Courage to Challenge; Shows confidence and courage to speak and challenges others when confronted with unfamiliar circumstances. Skilled Influencer; Demonstrates the ability to influence and to gain commitment and support form a wide range of diverse stakeholders for the organisation benefit. Band Three; Requires the professional to show a high understanding of the Behaviour Areas Courage to Challenge and Skilled Influencer. These are to be demonstrated at an expert level before progressing to the band level 4. The professional has the skills to lead in a Behavioural area and addresses key HR challenges at an organisational level. Band Four; Professionals are required to be an expert in their field, lead and manage the professional area or the organisational responsible for developing and delivering organisational and HR strategy. The professional is required to cover 3 Behavioural areas; Role Model, Curious and Decisive Thinker. Role Model; leading by example and implying sound personal judgement in all interactions. Curious; Demonstrates an active interest in the internal and external environment, shows a willingness to learn and active in the development of self and others and organisation levels and individual. Decisive Thinker; Demonstrates the ability to analyse information quickly and constructively to make defendable decisions using knowledge, experience and personal judgement. As a learner just starting out my HR career my experience and knowledge is limited and I believe to sit at Band One on the HRPM. Band One supports colleagues with administration duties and effectively manages data and is customer driven. The Professional Areas suited for Band One insure that all people within the organisation possess and develop the skills and knowledge to progress not only within the organisation, but their career by becoming motivated to learn, grow and perform. High performance within the organisation is promoted by rewards that are equitable and cost effective, given when rewarding skills, capabilities, performance and experience. While Band One focuses primarily on Performance and Reward and Learning and Talent Development as professional areas, the HRPM also depicts that the behaviours at Band One level are to be achieved. These include; Personally Credible, Collaborative and Driven to Deliver. The two core Professional Areas (Strategy Insights and Solutions and Learning and Talent Development) are at the very heart of any HR professional and should be the core values of any professional undertaking a HR career or an expert in their field.

Most Memorable Event

Tyler Graves Most Memorable Event My most memorable event took place on October 6, 2012 in a packed and rowdy Williams-Brice Stadium. It is a memory that I will hold onto for the rest of my life and one that I will be sure to tell people about for the rest of my life. It was a great evening to be a Gamecock fan from the start of the game. We jumped out front from the first possession and it was complete domination for the entire game.The game started out with two passing touchdowns from Connor Shaw that really got the fans going. Everyone in the stadium was in such a good mood and you could feel the vibe in the air. The best part of the game for me was what came after those two touchdown passes. Georgia made the mistake of punting to Ace Sanders who was able to return the punt for a 70 yard touchdown. The stadium erupted. It was the loudest I have ever heard the fans at Williams-Brice get and it was amazing.This game was great to see, feel, and hear. The event was very memorable beca use South Carolina finally broke through and put themselves on the map. We have always struggled on the big stage but it finally was our turn to crush a legitimate top team. The other key factor to why this game was so memorable was that I was able to enjoy the victory with both my friends and my little brother. I will never forget the night of October 6, 2012 for as long as I live.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Integrated Marketing Communications - Assignment Example The ambiguity centered on the definition of IMC has created complexity in assessing the operational efficiency of the process. There are many levels of integration, which produces problems collectively as well as individually. The ideal execution of IMC calls for the sharing of the entire organization. The purpose of marketing communication is to influence the thinking process of the recipient the communication about a brand, a project, a service etc. This called the conceptualization ion of the idea. The next step is the relationship building. The recipient of the communication and the brand should establish an emotional connection. This activity takes place at the subliminal level. Marketing communication should establish a relationship of trust with the entire clientele, which is comprised of the every day functional user of a product in the wider society as well as the user of a product in a chosen niche of the community. This trust of the recipient would be expressed in sales inquiry or attempt to switch to the new brand. This is the activation of behavioral change in visible forms. Once the activation is discernable, it is to be supported by immediate help by the quick operation of the service sector of the brand in the form of further information by some form of contact. Th is is followed by a product experience, which makes the initial trust with the communicator and the recipient of communication a concrete reality. All of the above dimensions have to be performed in a coordinated manner. An integrated marketing communications program guarantees that every chance to send a message to a customer functions efficiently and smartly. Many needs of the enterprise like increasing membership, ensuring member retention, or increasing non-dues revenue, entry into an impenetrable market etc is achieved by stretching and straining all the sinews and muscles of the enterprise. This can be also called persuasive communication. Chris Fill has observed the complexities that communication involves.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Case of Morphing Legal Changes in China Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A of Morphing Legal Changes in China - Case Study Example I would also be prepared to be knowledgeable on business laws and regulations, particularly those that pertain to sensitive areas that could endanger my professional competence and capabilities to implement organizational strategies. Finally, I will be very careful in dealing with other stakeholders, especially officials from the Chinese Steel Industry and ensure transparency, honesty and integrity in all undertakings, with due support and validations of all correspondences, as required. As a high-potential rising star manager within Rio Tinto, after what happened to the other executives in China, I would not take the position for personal and professional safety. Although China was deemed the company’s biggest customer, its previous image of morphing legal cases prove to be detrimental to one’s professional goal for advancement. The costs and risks of being assigned to China far outweighs the benefits of being assigned there. As the CEO of Rio Tinto, I would ensure that all managers who are eyed to be capable and competent for positions in China must be culturally and legally adept with their business protocols and practices; as well as their legal laws pertaining to managing an organization. Thereby, before sending any executives to China, I would instruct training, orientation, and comprehensive understanding of ethical, moral and legal standards of operating, managing and running a business in the local Chinese setting. Further, I would clearly emphasize to the executives to avoid any confrontations that could lead to legal disputes. Based on the new information, my answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 would not change. Any new information should first be verified as to its accuracy, reliability and veracity. If there are truths to the allegations that any of the executives were instrumental in inflating iron ore prices and in

Monday, October 7, 2019

Gold Industry Trends Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gold Industry Trends - Dissertation Example For instance, in the second quarter of 2011, the international demand for gold was almost 919.8 tonnes, 17% less compared to previous year. The value of gold has increased by 5% ‘year-on-year’ and the total demand of gold with respect to value is 44.5 billion USD (World Gold Council, 2011). Furthermore, in the second quarter of 2011, the demand of gold attained a record increase by concentrating on the emerging markets of India and China. These two nations occupy almost 52% of gold piece and currency investment as well as 55% of aggregated international jewels’ demand. It is worth mentioning that demand for gold in India is accounted as 38% and China is 25% with respect to worldwide gold growth rate i.e. 7% in 2011 (World Gold Council, 2011). Gold Industry Investment The financial market of gold permits market contestants to use gold as a medium of capital, investment and a basis of security. Gold is practically imperishable and can exist in several forms. Thus, gold can be used for jewelry, investment, official assets, security etc. The investment in gold currently accounts as the second largest usage of the material. According to the report of World Gold Council (2011), in the year 2010, the total amount of gold investment was almost 31,400 tonnes i.e. 18.7% of total gold usage in the world. In the year 2010, several assessments proposed that around 168,300 tonnes of gold have been extracted worldwide which can have an impact on the demand of gold (World Gold Council, 2010). ... In the year 2010, several assessments proposed that around 168,300 tonnes of gold have been extracted worldwide which can have an impact on the demand of gold (World Gold Council, 2010). Gold as Financial Product and Instrument For various investors, gold has emerged to be a financial instrument and an ideal investment choice which is fundamentally associated with lesser risks compared to other financial investment instruments. Investment in gold is beneficial when the financial market condition is unstable. In present day context, there are several products which originate their worth from the price of gold and those products are used as investment instruments such as ‘gold futures’, ‘gold exchange traded funds’ and ‘licensed gold coins’ among others. In this irregular value of currencies, driven by economic condition and massive uncertainties regarding accurate price of other financial instruments, gold can be a smart option to invest (The Hon g Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 2011). New Product Development in Financial Services Industry Financial organizations need to carry out new product development strategies on a regular basis to stay competitive in the market. Discovering the potentials of developing new financial products to influence the current customer demand in the market is an exceptionally stimulating procedure followed by financial institutions (Strategy Corporate Finance, 2010). In the financial industry, new product developments are often witnessed to fail because of quick market variations along with the challenges of altering internal structures to preserve new offerings. The challenges of new product development for financial products can be approached from three perspectives which are: Introducing a single financial

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Brazil, One of the BRICS Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brazil, One of the BRICS Countries - Essay Example Brazil has since been a leading nation in the global scene with the integration of all of the universal races from all the continents. The mulatto constitutes the second majority of the population with the whites occupying 53% in population (Nascimento, 2007). The rest are black and other tribes that share the remaining constitution in the population. The largest South American nation has been developed based on a diverse economic activity with a tropical climate in the north and temperate southern climate. The nation has been developed based on these activities and the abundance of a rich mineral reserve that supplies the population with a livelihood source to support a growing population. The rich composition of the Brazilian nation has been built on diversity in the population and the rich culture that shape the development witnessed in the country. A multi-dynamic population that forms the culture constitutes the composition of Brazil. The nation had been formed based on the indi genous Portuguese population that dictated the initial cultural practices and the catholic religion that is more dominant. However, the southern nation experienced an increased migration pattern that saw the arrival of an increased and diversified culture. The population has been created based on the greatest population composers in Indigenous Americans, Africans and the varied Portuguese population that have interacted to create diversity experienced in Brazil. The architecture in Brazil, the Portuguese language and the religion has since been the identity of the nation based on the original inhabitants of the land. The multicultural platform has created integration that tolerates foreign inhabitants capable of integrating into the population, and generating the cultural affiliation realized in the bend of traditional and contemporary cultural traditions. The population composition of Brazil has reflected the culture of the nation with African, American, Portuguese and European nat ions reflecting the identity of the nation. The mestizos had been created as the result of the interaction of the colonizers in Portuguese and the natives. The Mulattoes were a new culture from the African slaves and the colonizers and after liberation in 1888 slavery was eradicated to eliminate racial imbalance (Hollander, 2003). The entire population in Brazil adopted Portuguese as the language for interaction with the Roman Catholic religion constituting the chief religion in Brazil. Hollander (2003) state that the diverse population has also influenced the food, culture and heritage of the nation, to present, distinct practices to be highlighted in the ceremonies witnessed. The cultural affiliations are reflected in the greatest event practiced in Brazil during the carnival held 46 days prior to the Easter holiday. The reflection accorded had been the culture practiced in the pagan religion that had existed in the native inhabitants before the introduction of Christianity. Varie d tribes occupy the regions in Brazil and each bear varied principles and practices. The Bahia region composed on mainly African origin practice a distinct music, language and religious perspectives. The food that is mostly adopted in the culture has been in rice and beans with manioc as the leading composition in the diet. Although urbanization has led to the adoption of a globalized trend in completion of the activities, there has been the preservation of the cultural